Tuesday, January 13, 2015

An Ode to Food Aversion

My life used to make sense to me. Food used to make sense to me. I have a dear friend (Bryan) who used to tease the heck out of me for my semi-disinterest in food. We work together and have lunch together most days. I love the same vegetable configuration from the salad man (also known as my salad boyfriend, Luis) and could eat the same lunch every day (spinach and kale mix, tofu, parmesan, beets, egg whites, edamame, chick peas, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, almonds, dried cranberries, and sesame ginger dressing). I recounted my salad order to you, well, in order. I could tell you where everything is on the cart. I would write it a poem, but poetry and I never hit it off.

The point is I would have consumed that salad every day of my life...after consuming the same breakfast every day.

Bryan: "How can you possibly eat the SAME THING every day?"
Jaimie: "How can you NOT?'

And so it goes.

I share this with you because since I've been carrying sea monkey, I have become impossibly incredibly particular about food. I've never been a foodie (perhaps a drinkie) but this is something else. I never want anything unless I see a picture of it or someone eating it on tv and decide I must have it. Things I really liked before are now awful to me. It makes planning meals an Olympic feat. Poor Jonathan. He should be sainted soon.

In case we dine together soon, I'm pasting a helpful chart that is subject to change minute-to-minute. If you are reading this past 9:15 PM on January 13th, it's probably already outdated.

Strawberry ice cream or vanilla soft serve
Reese’s peanut butter cup ice cream and anything peanut butter but not peanuts
Water, sometimes Gatorade if I’m feeling frisky
All other beverages, including my one true love, Diet Coke
Plain noodles, bagels and cream cheese
Marinara sauce, ketchup, veggie burgers (a once daily staple)
Eggs and cheese
Veggie omelets
Tuna fish sandwiches sometimes
All other sandwiches
Apples, oranges
Bananas, grapes
French onion soup
Lentil soup

Basically I'm eating like an eight-year-old. Sometimes acting like one too. Second trimester, get here soon!


  1. With Carley, I ate ramen noodles (only) for quite some time. I made them with chicken broth instead of the seasoning packet to convince myself that it was healthier that way. Calla was peaches. Carley was watermelon. Both girls were grapefruit. :-) Glad to be able to hear all about it! YAY!

    1. Ramen sounds delicious! There were three days when I was dying for it but couldn't find it so I gave up. There was another day when all I wanted were orange-flavored things. This is bananas!
