Sunday, February 26, 2017

18 Months Old!

Josie's 18 month stats: 29.2 lbs, 18-24 mos, size 5 diapers, probably 89 inches tall

Josie's new sentences:

  • I shut
  • Hug you = Pick me up, please
  • Get you = We're playing chase and I'm going to get you!
  • Baba juice = I want juice in a bottle but I know I'm too big for a bottle so I will accept a sippy cup.
  • Pony = Look at my ponytail! or I want a ponytail!
  • Mush = More please (said with the pleading charm of Oliver Twist)
  • More sunny = I want to do more of this activity
  • Beep, beep Colby = You're in my way, dog
  • Steam = This was remarked after I dumped vegetables from a pot into a colander. 
  • GAH-Leeee = Golly! 
  • Mama work bye bye = Describing my recent work trip to Boston (insert sad face)
  • Play me = Play with me or else I will hound you for the next 5 hours

Josie's new tricks:
She can spell her name! Jonathan did this brilliant thing where he substituted the lyrics to B-I-N-G-O and any educational psychologist worth her salt knows this is a recipe for retention. Of course every printed word she sees outside of a book spells J-o-s-i-e. Stay tuned - I'm trying hard to record this.

She can paint! Josie created a series of 4 canvases for Valentine's Day gifts completely unassisted. She'd finish one and then I'd put another in front of her and she would just go, go, go. She really loved painting, immediately exclaiming "More sunny!"

Of course, now every malleable substance has become paint, i.e. ranch dressing and yogurt.

She can stand on her head. I have NO IDEA how she learned this one.

She rocks her babies to sleep with her favorite French lullaby, Fais Do Do. Josie is ALL ABOUT babies right now and we have about 25 distributed throughout our home. She loves hugging the baby, feeding the baby, and rocking the baby. She even holds the baby whilst coloring.

It sounds like someone is getting ready for Young family member #4. Her parents, however, are not. Yet. Although if we're being real, Josie's mama isn't getting any younger and many of her best eggs are likely residing in a retirement community in West Palm, spending their days playing golf and sipping Arnold Palmers. Not that anyone is counting.

In other Young family news:

Josie started daycare!
We started our first day with "Who Wore it Better: Toddler Edition".

Since then here's a summary of the feedback we've received: Josie is the most helpful and talkative "friend" in class and eats like a lumberjack, so there's that.

Auntie Ashie and Uncle Adam got married!
In the midst of a crazy blizzard, we had such a fantastic time! Just look at these two. <3 Josie was honored to be their Flower Girl. She needed a little coaxing down the aisle and her dada was the perfect escort.

We visited Jersey City and walked around our favorite park (where mama and dada got married)!

We also got to visit with some dear friends: Harper, Trish, and Gord. We were just missing Anna and Lucy!

We also hung out with so many other people we love, including Lilli and Brad, Pauly, and Mera among others.

Once back in Austin, Grandma met us there and we got to play for a whole month! Papa visited too! Below is a collage of Jojo and Grandma spending time together at Lake Pflugerville, our adorable man-made beach.

Josie and I had our first fight
I try very hard to be present and keep my phone away with Josie, except when I see a record-worthy moment (which happens often because I'm a first-time parent and think every sneeze, smile, and sneer should be on film). I had constructed a play kitchen the night before and wanted to take a pic of Josie playing. Well, as much as Josie appreciated the kitchen, she also wanted to surf the net so she toddler-ran over to me to grab my phone. When I said I was putting it away she marched over to her kitchen, collected an armful of wooden produce, and began to chuck it at me. Here I am, dodging eggplants and yogurts narrowly missing my head and trying SO HARD not to laugh. I knew I would meet this "Jaimie, don't laugh right now" parenting moment and it was as rich as I anticipated.
Finally, it was mama's birthday! My best present was this amazing card:

Until next time!

J Cubed

A note on blog cadence from the author: For 18+ months, I've tried to capture the spirit of each unique 30-day span of Josie's life from milestones to mishaps and everything in between. Going forward, the blog will assume a different structure with smaller posts on remarkable events and longer posts to mark 2nd birthdays and major holidays. Thank you, all 5 readers, for your loving commentary and readership.