Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jonas - 9 months; Josie - 3+

A word of warning: this blog is filled with many photos and much holiday cheer. Proceed with caution. Also, check out our adorable holiday card pic.

Josie's 41 month stats: 42 lbs, 41 inches, 5T in clothing, size 8.5 shoes

Josie's favorite book: All holiday books. Grammy got us a very cool Hanukkah book featuring classical art. 

Josie's favorite movies/tv shows: Snowy Day, Daniel Tiger

Josie's greatest hits: She is VERY into directing our every line. Josie often casts herself as baby Josie and gets a kick out of Jonathan and me exclaiming about the amazing baby she is, especially when we are fed the lines: 

Josie: "Mama, say  'Look, baby Josie said Josie' after I say 'Josie' "
Josie: "Josie!"
Me: "Look, baby Josie said 'Josie'! "


Josie: "Dada, say  'Look, baby Josie has such pretty eyes!'"
Jonathan: "Look, baby Josie has such pretty eyes!"
Josie: (bats her eyes)

She then squeals with delight. Josie insists she hates the idea of being on stage but methinks a director is born. That or a very bossy babe.

Josie's new tricks
Josie has fully discovered makeup. I don't know that I need to say anything else except she's still understanding product placement. :D

Josie had some strong feelings about Santa this year. Up until the final Christmas gift delivery, Josie was certain Santa would need to drop all presents outside of our house, and Jonathan and I could relocate them inside and out of the cold. Look, I get it. I'm even kind of impressed with her discerning nature. I just wish home girl would take a pic with Santa! She did, however, add herself to the Nice List. The more accurate depiction of this year is Sassy List and I would have encouraged that addition instead.

Josie is getting more and more confident doing physical things. I love this photo taken by Tia Crystal. This little babe makes me so proud.

We officially made our first friend from school! We loveeee Kathlyn's parents and Josie loveeees Kathlyn. At first we couldn't tell if they were friend or foe but it looks like we've settled into some friendship based on mutual Disney princess obsession.

Finally, Josie is still obsessed with her big sister title. She reminds me often how much she loves Jonas and that the feeling is mutual.


Somehow we missed this adorable photo in the 8 month blog so here it is!
And here's 9 months! This little guy is ON THE MOVE so I have many, many blurry shots of him these days.

Jonas' 9 months stats: 25 lbs, 30 inches; 12-18 mos in clothing, size 4 diapers, hazel eyes, and 1.5 teeth!

Instead of vocab we'll review his likes and dislikes:

Likes: Hugs, throwing a ball, his sister (when she respects the "at least 1 inch" between humans rule), giggling, Santa(!).
Dislikes: Teething. Fevers associated with teething.
Tolerates: Sleeping in his crib! We're only up 1-2 times a night now. This is huge for mama and dada.

Jonas' new tricks
Jonas can play catch! He's gotten even better since taking this video.

He is getting stronger and stronger. We'll have a walker very soon!

He loves to clap and wave. It's THE CUTEST!

He gives kisses! We already reviewed this last month but this is such a perfect depiction of his adorable, all-consuming (literal consumption) love.

He furrows his brow and gives disapproving looks. This is hilarious and in light of watching Boss Baby repeatedly for a few months, I think my child may be an undercover agent. He's also removing his socks with impressive speed so perhaps Jonas is communicating with messages balls up in his socks?

One thing is for sure - this kiddo is h-a-p-p-y!

In other Young family news...

Josie and Jonathan decorated the tree.
Jonas celebrated his first Hanukkah!

And we had the BEST visit with Tia Crystal and Uncle Paul. This is our favorite time of year and it's filled with cookie baking and memory making and matching jammies and many, many giggles.

We had a super fun Christmas with Grandma and Papa too!

I made Jonas his very own ornament. 

And Jonas made his very own Christmas card:

We had a cool holiday photo shoot. Check out one of my favs:

Until next time!

J Quad