Tuesday, November 21, 2017

26 and 27 Months Old!

Josie's 27 month stats34.5 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, size 7 shoes, 37.5 inches tall (a gain of 3 inches in a few months!)

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are this month's greatest hits:

  • "No way, Jose!" "Yes way, Jose!"
  • "Mama GOOD JOB!" after I peed in the toilet.
  • "My belly button is broken. It needs a bandaid."
  • "The goldfish are all okay!" We don't have goldfish.
  • "That's a great idea!"
  • "Mama, let's nuggle!" (snuggle)
  • "No, dada's turn to change my diapie! Not yours, Mama" (complete with finger wagging)
  • "Baby brother is hiding in mama's tummy."
  • "Sike!" Thank you, Jonathan, for passing along this gem.
  • Josie says Gesundheit when someone sneezes. Not bless you. I had to look up the spelling. My child is bananas.
Josie's new tricks
  • She draws mustaches on Disney princesses. I acknowledge this was an unusual (and lucky) display of fine motor skills but c'mon. This is PERFECT.
  • If you are a devoted reader to this blog (thanks all 3 of you!), you'll know we go to shows often. You'll also know that Josie LOVES shows. J Cubed recently went to Annie and well...there's a story. Annie was the first movie my parents took me to and, apparently, when Daddy Warbucks was ordering people around to locate Annie's parents he said "And you - get me a drink!" Allegedly I then stood up in my seat and shouted "And get ME a drink!" I was three. Fast forward many years to present day: we're at Annie the play and Daddy Warbucks says something about peanuts in the scene directly before the one that inspired my big announcement as a toddler. Josie then shouts with her own mighty voice quite incredulously "Peanuts?! No way!" Of course. Later she informed us: "Mama, Dada, I was being funnnny."
  • Paddycake has been on the scene for quite a while now but not in our matching Batman PJs...                                             
In other Young family news...

And Then There Were Three is getting a title upgrade come April!

It was great to have a few of my favorites there to celebrate our little babe!

One of our family besties Charlotte had a baby! Welcome to this world, sweet Grace. You are as beautiful as your mama.

Jaimie met Baby Kaya Rodney and got to spend time with her parents Adrian and Pauly. What a precious family.

Jonathan directed an amazing play called Santaland Diaries. Here he is giving the speech on opening night. My entire book club (minus one) attended and we had a blast! Well done, Dada!!

We were scarecrows for Halloween! Some of us were happier about it than others.

We created super cute pumpkins with Grandma at a community event. Josie LOVES to paint and slapped on as much paint as this teeny pumpkin could take.

We also had a fun visit from Aunt Susan!
AND Lisa and Sarah!

Finally, there's been a change in our house plans - we'll actually be moving this December to a different house! Pics to come in our next blog. Until then, I'll leave you with our baby announcement...

Until next time!

J Cubed

Monday, October 2, 2017

24 and 25 Months Old!

Josie's 24 month stats: 34 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, size 7 shoes, 34.5 inches

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are this month's greatest hits:
  • (to herself as she turned back around to get something while we were playing outside) "Oh, I forgot."
  • "Hey! I have an idea!"
  • "Mama, can you fix my pony? It fell out."
  • "Are you okay?" (she asks this A LOT)
  • "I want to watch Piderman. Oh no, Piderman bit me!"
  • "I can't sleep here. There are snakes in my crib."
  • "Colby is annoying."
Josie's new tricks
  • Her make believe game is strong. She's been reading to "her class" and talking to her students. She's also been telling stories about her and her friends, Dory and Nemo. I'm not sure where she gets it from.
  • Her strong fashion opinions are forming. Her favorite is the Primrose shirt, which is a tie-dyed rainbow spirit shirt from her old school. Here's another example of her fashion preferences:
  • Josie is obsessed with the Mother Goose Club and Once Upon a Potty. She likes to read the book to me and knows a lot of the content. "I want to say hi to Prudence!" It's pretty cute. Now if she would only follow in Prudence's footsteps and sit on that potty!
                                                  Image result for once upon a potty
  • We're down to pyers and babas just at night (!)
  • Josie is kissing e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g: me, my shorts, her crib, the crackers she is about to consume...she literally loves it all.
  • We've been working on brushing our teeth a lot since our first trip to the dentist! Look at her little face. She was very brave.
  • Since the dentist scolded us gently suggested we be more diligent about brushing teeth, I tried to get her to brush her teeth for 20 minutes and then Jonathan came home...Josie was all too happy to show off her brushing skills. Unreal.

In other Young family news...

Brad and Lily got married!
It was so special and lovely - just like them. We HAD A BLAST!

Mama co-hosted a Baby Sprinkle for one of her best friends, Charlotte! She's expecting baby #2 and we can't wait to meet sweet little Grace!

We have a new Sunday routine since our last run left us stranded in the middle of 3 miles in 95 degrees. Josie loves the pool and swimming with Dada. I sunbathe and take pics of them. It works out for everyone. :)

The Youngs are moving! We're just headed around the corner but we're very excited for our new home - April is our estimated move in month. 

Until next time!

J Cubed

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Josie Turns Two!

59 blog posts later, we have a two year old. I now understand the stuff Hallmark is made of - every single day with this child is a gift. She is the coolest, kindest, most incredible little tot. I have never felt so proud and grateful to know someone.

Josie's 24 month stats: 33 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, size 7 shoes, 34.5 inches

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are this month's greatest hits:
  • Snuggled in bed between Jonathan and me, Josie put one hand on my arm and the other on Jonathan's arm and said "family". And cue the sobbing.
  • "Thank you so much!"

  • Approaches complete stranger: "I have a poop dipe."
  • "It's too darn hot."
  • "Uno, dos, ocho." This was heard as we were falling asleep one night and I had to stop myself from shouting an incredulous "WHAT?!?!" I did not know she spoke any Spanish, never mind that she can accurately count to two...and then say eight. 
Josie's new tricks
  • World's cutest puppeteer (see above audience bow)

  • Youngest superhero carpenter ever. See what I did there? :)

  • Nonstop artist. Josie LOVES to paint. She will paint any surface with any liquid. As you might imagine, this is a blessing and a curse.

  • Anti-trick. We still use a "pie-yer" (pacifier). We're working on this. Stay tuned.
  • Sleep talker. I've heard: "It's my turn!" and "No bunny!"
  • Bike rider!
  • Show attendee. She's watched so many shows at The Palace and frankly I'm as amazed as the people around us that she sits still and quiet for 1-2 hours. Sometimes she shouts "Hi dada!" when Jonathan gives the curtain speech. Sometimes she says: "Be kie-ette (quiet)" with a finger to her lips, but she's always riveted. After the show we'll hear all about being kie-ette, clapping, dada on stage, and the walking man (stick figure signal attached to traffic lights who we see before and after every show).
  • World domination.

In other Young family news...

We visited the Sesame Street exhibit at the LBJ museum! It was so cool and I'm certain the adults had more fun that Josie, who only had eyes for Elmo. She actually shoplifted him (chip off the old block, ahem) from the gift shop and sprinted away towards security (not a very good thief). I had a fun time with them as we were deciding how to handle this feisty, willful beast. 

Speaking of people like that, the picture below is actually really funny because Sesame Street was my very favorite show when I was little and I once bit this man as hard as I could because he switched the channel to track a nearby hurricane. #willbiteforelmo
As is the subject of this blog, we celebrated Josie's 2nd birthday (and Jonathan's mid to late 30th something-ith) with all four grandparents for the second year in a row. Two and a half years ago I made a wish for all of us to be together in our new home and we were there. I'm making that same wish again for the next round of birthdays, including a new home. :)
Josie got a bike (see above, she also rides it)! Grammy put it together herself (warrior!). It's a 4 in 1 trike so it grows with her. Stay tuned for the next iteration of bike riding!

Josie got a little bang trim. I decided it was time so I went for it with the squirmiest toddler in all of the land. This is also a good illustration of her painting skills. Pictured here is hummus.

Mama went to London! I never thought I'd be flying around the globe for work but here I am. It's pretty cool and I had about 30 seconds for sight-seeing so I took this haunting Big Ben pic. I kept hearing Chevy Chase's voice echoing in my head.

Speaking of birthdays, Super Grammie turned 100! WOAH. This woman is my hero, she looks like a million dollars, and still cracks pretty great jokes. Our family is so blessed to have our incredible matriarch in our lives. 
Until next time!

J Cubed

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

22 and 23 Months Old!

Our little babe is almost 2! My goodness does time fly. 

Josie's 22-23 month stats: 33 lbs, 2-3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, still very tall

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are her greatest hits:
  • Come with me, mama/dada! (followed by yanking directed person to "cook", color, or play outside)
  • Alex (our June roommate): "Josie, how tall are you?" Josie (without missing a beat): "Two minutes!"
  • Her first 'why?' question and of course it was: "Why?" regarding wearing clothes to school.
  • Josie must label everything she sees since she's finally has the vocabulary to do so. Don't be surprised to hear: "This is water. This is Dory. This is cheese."
Josie's new tricks
  • Professional fish counter

  • Performer, with a short attention span

      • Knows her colors, shapes, numbers, and most letters
      • Sings a compilation nursery rhyme extravaganza to lull herself to sleep

      A few of Josie's favorite things:
      • Dory 
      • Dory 
      • Dory
      • Not wearing clothes (see recent videos and pics like the one below)
      • The "blue man" aka the walking signal fellow. She LOVES him. I actually toyed with making that her second birthday party theme. Josie always wants to see the blue man and red hand, never mind the "blue" man is not very blue. 

      In other Young family news...

      Mama and Dada celebrated their marriage! 

      We were already married and always wanted a sweet backyard twinkle light/mason jar/DIY wedding. Well, my amazing sister-in-law DELIVERED. That wedding was so spectacular. Crystal deserves an award. For real. Pictured below are my sister, the babe who is the subject of this blog, and Crystal.

      Here's our flower girl!
      And our gorgeous moms!

      And here's a glimpse of our incredible honeymoon to Italy. We did everything from wine tasting in Chianti to segueing through Florence to pasta making in a palace to gondola riding in Venice to boating around Capri. The 85 lbs we collectively gained was WORTH IT. #pastababy #andgelato #andwine

      Another important headline for The J Crew is Grandma Anne and Papa Bob moved to Texas!!

      We couldn't be more excited to have them around all of the time. I mean, who else will squirt water on bellies...

      and watch Raffi on command?

      Now if we could just work on the rest of our families...

      Finally, guys...I saved this for last because it's so much fun! Josie went on her first date! Lovell (the son of our dear friends Charlotte and Jeremy) has a cool truck with a radio. Josie hopped on it, Lovell turned up the country music, put his arm around her, and sped off. Jonathan and I watched this in awe with tears in our eyes.

      Until next time!

      J Cubed

      Sunday, May 21, 2017

      21 months!

      Josie's 21 month stats: 32 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, very tall

      Josie's new sentences and vocab:

      • No my name
      • All by self
      • This is MY car seat...this is MY pye-er (pacifier)
      • Magnet
      • Reflection

      Mama: "Josie, time to brush teeth."
      Josie: "No sank you."

      Josie's new tricks
      • Kicks a ball
      • Throws a ball
      • Learning to hit off a tee and catch with a glove (very, very novice level here)

      She took her first school photo! This isn't a developmental milestone however I am adding the update in this category because she managed to almost smile and sit still for her photo. When compared to her friend's photo outcomes, this is a HUGE win.

      She also took this photo, which will probably go down in history as my favorite Josie expression of all time:

      A few of Josie's favorite things:
      Finger Family song
      Sidewalk chalk
      Her water table
      Not baths

      In other Young family news...

      We celebrated Mother's Day!
      Josie delivered blouses she picked out at J. Crew and a card she purchased (and decorated) with her allowance. We also had a fun picnic lunch at the park with our besties, the Justices. She also gave me a mani, complete with a party nail. She should probably keep her day job.

      I was remembering one of our first photos together and am beyond grateful that this spunky firecracker chose me as her mama.

      We got a new pet!
      Okay, not really but Josie is obsessed with peacocks and I decided to abandon my traditional boring decor in favor of this guy. It's also a partial gift to my mother for when she visits so she can feel at home amongst wrought iron animal sculptures.

      Josie participated in take your child to work day!
      I got absolutely nothing done until later than evening but it was exhausting SO MUCH FUN to chase her around the office. She ate a pink sprinkled doughnut and strut around like she owned the place. Thank the lord for Jen, our savior, who colored and climbed stairs with her while I caught my breath. That photo on the bottom right depicts an epic nap Josie took after her long day - clearly she's not ready for the 8-5 grind.

      Until next time!

      J Cubed