Sunday, August 13, 2017

Josie Turns Two!

59 blog posts later, we have a two year old. I now understand the stuff Hallmark is made of - every single day with this child is a gift. She is the coolest, kindest, most incredible little tot. I have never felt so proud and grateful to know someone.

Josie's 24 month stats: 33 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, size 7 shoes, 34.5 inches

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are this month's greatest hits:
  • Snuggled in bed between Jonathan and me, Josie put one hand on my arm and the other on Jonathan's arm and said "family". And cue the sobbing.
  • "Thank you so much!"

  • Approaches complete stranger: "I have a poop dipe."
  • "It's too darn hot."
  • "Uno, dos, ocho." This was heard as we were falling asleep one night and I had to stop myself from shouting an incredulous "WHAT?!?!" I did not know she spoke any Spanish, never mind that she can accurately count to two...and then say eight. 
Josie's new tricks
  • World's cutest puppeteer (see above audience bow)

  • Youngest superhero carpenter ever. See what I did there? :)

  • Nonstop artist. Josie LOVES to paint. She will paint any surface with any liquid. As you might imagine, this is a blessing and a curse.

  • Anti-trick. We still use a "pie-yer" (pacifier). We're working on this. Stay tuned.
  • Sleep talker. I've heard: "It's my turn!" and "No bunny!"
  • Bike rider!
  • Show attendee. She's watched so many shows at The Palace and frankly I'm as amazed as the people around us that she sits still and quiet for 1-2 hours. Sometimes she shouts "Hi dada!" when Jonathan gives the curtain speech. Sometimes she says: "Be kie-ette (quiet)" with a finger to her lips, but she's always riveted. After the show we'll hear all about being kie-ette, clapping, dada on stage, and the walking man (stick figure signal attached to traffic lights who we see before and after every show).
  • World domination.

In other Young family news...

We visited the Sesame Street exhibit at the LBJ museum! It was so cool and I'm certain the adults had more fun that Josie, who only had eyes for Elmo. She actually shoplifted him (chip off the old block, ahem) from the gift shop and sprinted away towards security (not a very good thief). I had a fun time with them as we were deciding how to handle this feisty, willful beast. 

Speaking of people like that, the picture below is actually really funny because Sesame Street was my very favorite show when I was little and I once bit this man as hard as I could because he switched the channel to track a nearby hurricane. #willbiteforelmo
As is the subject of this blog, we celebrated Josie's 2nd birthday (and Jonathan's mid to late 30th something-ith) with all four grandparents for the second year in a row. Two and a half years ago I made a wish for all of us to be together in our new home and we were there. I'm making that same wish again for the next round of birthdays, including a new home. :)
Josie got a bike (see above, she also rides it)! Grammy put it together herself (warrior!). It's a 4 in 1 trike so it grows with her. Stay tuned for the next iteration of bike riding!

Josie got a little bang trim. I decided it was time so I went for it with the squirmiest toddler in all of the land. This is also a good illustration of her painting skills. Pictured here is hummus.

Mama went to London! I never thought I'd be flying around the globe for work but here I am. It's pretty cool and I had about 30 seconds for sight-seeing so I took this haunting Big Ben pic. I kept hearing Chevy Chase's voice echoing in my head.

Speaking of birthdays, Super Grammie turned 100! WOAH. This woman is my hero, she looks like a million dollars, and still cracks pretty great jokes. Our family is so blessed to have our incredible matriarch in our lives. 
Until next time!

J Cubed