Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Jonas - 14/15 months; Josie - 3.98

Josie's 46/47 month stats: 43 lbs, 3'6" inches, 5T (sometimes even 6T) in clothing, size 9.5/10 shoes

Josie's favorite books/songs: Goodnight Goon, The New Baby; anything Footloose

Josie's favorite movies/tv shows: Ella Enchanted; Daniel Tiger, Bubble Guppies, Peppa Pig

Josie's greatest hits: She is full of hilarity and wisdom and sass, as per usual. Read on.

"I can put on this puppet and make it tell me a funny story if I'm feeling scared in my bed."

This morning when Josie was getting ready for school she said: 'When I get these boots on I'll look like the girl that gets around." When we asked where she heard that she said 'Footloose".

"The reason I don't want you to run is because you could fall and get hurt. Then the police will remind you to be more careful with a ticket and you will NOT like that!"

"It's quite complicated."

"Jonas, how do you manage to be such a grinch?"

"I have good news!"

This, however, takes the cake...

Just in case those in the back didn't hear, let me repeat: A LOVELY GARDEN AND A MAN WITH A BROKEN HEART.

Josie's new tricks
Josie has begun swim lessons! She is SWIMMING! When I tell you I've stressed thought about the need to schedule swim lessons every single week for the last 3 years, I'm not exaggerating.
Jonathan and I have been trying to recruit her preschool teacher, Ms. Luana for as long as we've known she teaches swim. This woman is an actual angel on Earth. I've called her the female Mr. Rogers before. 
Josie had no idea she was learning to swim! Luana set up toys all over the pool and Josie was saving mermaids, rescuing precious jewels, etc. I am super impressed and excited and and and...exhale.

Josie has a rolypoly obsession. She "rescues" and re-homes them. I'm not sure they end up in a better place upon their relocation but I'd like to think so.
Where did my little baby go? Sniff. 

Jonas' 14 months stats: 28 lbs, 31 inches; 24 mos in clothing, size 6 diapers, hazel eyes, blonde hair, and 3 teeth!

Jonas' 15 months stats: 29 lbs, 31.5 inches; 24/2T mos in clothing, size 6 diapers, hazel eyes, blonde hair, and 4 teeth!

And we have vocabulary/animal sounds lift-off!:

Our words: Pup, up, me (or me me), a-weee (we'll get to THAT in a sec), star, moon, mine, stairs, bye (but he says it as if he was E.T. "byeeeee", shoes, uh-huh (this is his affirmative), and ummmm
Our first sentence-ish: "Me up"
Our first song: Jonas can sing "all" as in: The wheels in the bus go 'round and 'round, all day long!
Our second song: I've been singing a nonsensical diaper song to Jonas since Day 1 and very recently has begun to chime in. This is trademarked in case anyone sees this as the next baby hit.

The cow goes moo
The chicken goes bawk bawk
The rooster goessss cock-a-doodle-dooooo
The Jonas goes beep beep
The mama does it too
De de de de de de
Do do do do do dooooo

Jonas's new tricks

This little man loves his books! He can identify them in his Jonas way (Counting on the Farm is called "Moo, moo"). He loves to read them each for 7 seconds, he loves to organize them (throwing them from one side of the couch to another), and he loves to beat you to turning the pages.

Jonas is eating like a big boy! He ate some 4th of July corn. He likes to "blow" on food to cool it off, or really just disperse sweet, little Jonas germs on it.

Jonas is a couch surfer. If you are at my house and hear "a-weee!", run - don't walk - over to the couch and tell that little boy with his giant, goofy grin to sit on his bottom. He knows he isn't supposed to jump on that couch and thinks it's very funny to "get caught". It doesn't help that all of us laugh at his a-weeeees. THIS KID.

In other Young family news...

We lost our family matriarch. 
As I said on social media, you don't say goodbye to a legend - you thank them. Grammie, your impact, like your style, is timeline. Your quiet elegance and composed power will influence people for many generations to come and we will be better for it. Estelle Krause: 1917-2019. 

Super Grammie's passing brought our family together, which doesn't happen often. That, in addition to Grammie's presence in our lives, was a gift to us. <3

Mama and Dada celebrated 4 years of marriage! 
We went to the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort and it was gorgeous.

We celebrated Father's Day! We've started a tradition where we spent Father's Day at the local ballpark. Jonas is not a fan of being confined so he was less interested than the rest of us. Instead we pretended Jonas was a seagull and kept feeding him fries. He'd eat them, squawk, and return for more. 

We attended our family reunion!

We spent a day in Washington DC and visited the Natural History Museum.

We then headed to Frederickburg, VA under a delightful heat wave and got to spend time with every single OG Krause family member and their offspring! 

Just look at sweet Cousin Elly Belly! 

We also exchanged big hugs with Cousin Pierce!

Jonas was there too but wouldn't really sit still unless held captive in a baby wrap or contained for a sweaty family photo. :)

We spent a ton of time in our hotel pool to conceal our otherwise melting faces.
And got to spend a lot of time in the hotel lobby hiding from the heat.

Our return plane ride lead us to make the new family rule: no flying until age 2 for Jonas.

And, in general, we've been summering pretty hard.

Josie is headed to a new school on August 5th. Here's her reaction from meeting one of her classmates, Henrietta Chicken. We think she's gonna like it there!

Just look at this place!

And...Josie and Jonas continue to be obsessed with each other.

Until next time...

J Cubed