Tuesday, November 21, 2017

26 and 27 Months Old!

Josie's 27 month stats34.5 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, size 7 shoes, 37.5 inches tall (a gain of 3 inches in a few months!)

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are this month's greatest hits:

  • "No way, Jose!" "Yes way, Jose!"
  • "Mama GOOD JOB!" after I peed in the toilet.
  • "My belly button is broken. It needs a bandaid."
  • "The goldfish are all okay!" We don't have goldfish.
  • "That's a great idea!"
  • "Mama, let's nuggle!" (snuggle)
  • "No, dada's turn to change my diapie! Not yours, Mama" (complete with finger wagging)
  • "Baby brother is hiding in mama's tummy."
  • "Sike!" Thank you, Jonathan, for passing along this gem.
  • Josie says Gesundheit when someone sneezes. Not bless you. I had to look up the spelling. My child is bananas.
Josie's new tricks
  • She draws mustaches on Disney princesses. I acknowledge this was an unusual (and lucky) display of fine motor skills but c'mon. This is PERFECT.
  • If you are a devoted reader to this blog (thanks all 3 of you!), you'll know we go to shows often. You'll also know that Josie LOVES shows. J Cubed recently went to Annie and well...there's a story. Annie was the first movie my parents took me to and, apparently, when Daddy Warbucks was ordering people around to locate Annie's parents he said "And you - get me a drink!" Allegedly I then stood up in my seat and shouted "And get ME a drink!" I was three. Fast forward many years to present day: we're at Annie the play and Daddy Warbucks says something about peanuts in the scene directly before the one that inspired my big announcement as a toddler. Josie then shouts with her own mighty voice quite incredulously "Peanuts?! No way!" Of course. Later she informed us: "Mama, Dada, I was being funnnny."
  • Paddycake has been on the scene for quite a while now but not in our matching Batman PJs...                                             
In other Young family news...

And Then There Were Three is getting a title upgrade come April!

It was great to have a few of my favorites there to celebrate our little babe!

One of our family besties Charlotte had a baby! Welcome to this world, sweet Grace. You are as beautiful as your mama.

Jaimie met Baby Kaya Rodney and got to spend time with her parents Adrian and Pauly. What a precious family.

Jonathan directed an amazing play called Santaland Diaries. Here he is giving the speech on opening night. My entire book club (minus one) attended and we had a blast! Well done, Dada!!

We were scarecrows for Halloween! Some of us were happier about it than others.

We created super cute pumpkins with Grandma at a community event. Josie LOVES to paint and slapped on as much paint as this teeny pumpkin could take.

We also had a fun visit from Aunt Susan!
AND Lisa and Sarah!

Finally, there's been a change in our house plans - we'll actually be moving this December to a different house! Pics to come in our next blog. Until then, I'll leave you with our baby announcement...

Until next time!

J Cubed