Thursday, January 14, 2016

5 Months Old!

We have a five month old! We spent Josie's five month birthday poolside and she crumpled her five month sticker just as quickly as she received it. But, hold on. She is crumpling things. She is sitting up. She is smiling. She is balancing her checkbook. Just look at this grown up little person! That she can crumple a sticker as she sat up all by herself is blowing this mama's mind.


Josie was all smiles as she escaped the chilly northeast to visit my hometown in south Florida to meet my nephew and Josie's first cousin, Pierce!
She laughed the entire bath with Daddy and Grammy!
Let's be honest - when is this child not all smiles? As a matter of fact, I can tell you exactly when: 8:44 am, 12:44 pm, 4:44 pm, and 8:44 pm; and then 10:59 am, 2:59 pm, and 8:59 pm. One minute before food and one minute before sleep, around the clock. Josie now recognizes her bottle and completely loses her mind politely grunts if it isn't immediately given to her. I digress.

Back to cousin Pierce - he is soooo sweet and his mama Ale is looking great! Josie was verrrry curious about this tiny little cousin creature, especially because she was never that small. 
I wonder when they will catch up in size. Jonathan predicts age ten. It's really fun to see my brother fall in love with his son, which proves he does have a heart somewhere buried in that tough exterior. 

I loved showing Josie all of the things that were special to me. Here we are in Central Park, standing on a hill I have sprinted up and down for a good ten years of my life. Cue The Lion King music.
Apparently I have a thing for parks. Below is Liberty Tree Park. Just look at those little toesies! Josie was checking out the official Krause brick. Incidentally, we currently live in front of Liberty State Park right now. There's so much liberty all over the place.
Josie got to meet one of my besties, Lisa, and her sweet family: Robert, Ayla, and Brayden. It's incredible to have friendships spanning decades and seeing people you love with their amazing children. PS - You heard it here first: Ayla Mark is going to be an Olympian.  

Josie's stats
  • Ate her first solid food on her five month birthday! Check out this fine delicacy, aka pureed sweet potatoes. Although I rarely spend any time in the kitchen, I did make her food so that has to count for something. I may not be able to feed myself or my husband (unless you count Lucky Charms & milk, which he does not) but I can feed this child! For the record, she loooooved them! She has since loved pureed apples, peas, and bananas. She might have loved peas the most, which is a good sign.

  • Attended her first New Year's party and wore her first LBD. It was part NYE party, part engagement celebration. The Krause family nearly doubled in 2015 (5+ 4 = 9!), and Adam is the final member to be added. He made it just in time! Other notable members include: Jonathan, Josie, Ale, and Pierce. 

Here's Jo with her Auntie Alyssa and Auntie Ashley. Check out Ashley's left hand!!!!
                           Josie was sitting up better on January 1st than most adults.                         
  • Continues to shriek with delight. It's pretty adorable. With that said, be sure to speak loudly around the Young family, as all ear drums are sure to be blown.
  • Went swimming for the first time! She is quite the water baby and splish splashed like she's being doing it for months.
  • As previously mentioned, Josie is sitting up like a champ. And being cool like a champ. Annnd waving like a champ.

See you soon!
Xoxo- The Jojo