Sunday, May 21, 2017

21 months!

Josie's 21 month stats: 32 lbs, 3T in clothing, size 6 diapers, very tall

Josie's new sentences and vocab:

  • No my name
  • All by self
  • This is MY car seat...this is MY pye-er (pacifier)
  • Magnet
  • Reflection

Mama: "Josie, time to brush teeth."
Josie: "No sank you."

Josie's new tricks
  • Kicks a ball
  • Throws a ball
  • Learning to hit off a tee and catch with a glove (very, very novice level here)

She took her first school photo! This isn't a developmental milestone however I am adding the update in this category because she managed to almost smile and sit still for her photo. When compared to her friend's photo outcomes, this is a HUGE win.

She also took this photo, which will probably go down in history as my favorite Josie expression of all time:

A few of Josie's favorite things:
Finger Family song
Sidewalk chalk
Her water table
Not baths

In other Young family news...

We celebrated Mother's Day!
Josie delivered blouses she picked out at J. Crew and a card she purchased (and decorated) with her allowance. We also had a fun picnic lunch at the park with our besties, the Justices. She also gave me a mani, complete with a party nail. She should probably keep her day job.

I was remembering one of our first photos together and am beyond grateful that this spunky firecracker chose me as her mama.

We got a new pet!
Okay, not really but Josie is obsessed with peacocks and I decided to abandon my traditional boring decor in favor of this guy. It's also a partial gift to my mother for when she visits so she can feel at home amongst wrought iron animal sculptures.

Josie participated in take your child to work day!
I got absolutely nothing done until later than evening but it was exhausting SO MUCH FUN to chase her around the office. She ate a pink sprinkled doughnut and strut around like she owned the place. Thank the lord for Jen, our savior, who colored and climbed stairs with her while I caught my breath. That photo on the bottom right depicts an epic nap Josie took after her long day - clearly she's not ready for the 8-5 grind.

Until next time!

J Cubed