Saturday, November 19, 2016

14 and 15 Months Old!

Guys, are you noticing a pattern here? Now the months are being paired. Pretty soon(ish) you'll see a blog post entitled 2-6 Years Old! Momma blogger fail.

Josie's 14/15 month stats: The vet says she's bigger than an average two year-old! 27 lbs and 33 inches, size 4 diapers, size 18-24 months in clothes

Check out our Blue Steel

Josie's new words:  One morning this week she popped out of bed and announced "Done!" to indicate she is finished with sleep and ready to start her day. She is a hoot. Other words include: cup, guy, girl, top, ut (combination of up and out), pumpkin, nana (banana), head, tummy (as she pointed out during a 3 am cry fest), and knee. This is getting harder to track because she says so many new things everyday. Josie does not stop talking - approximately 20% of what she says is English while the rest is adorable baby babble. Please enjoy our child attempting to feed herself whilst making animal noises. Folks, we have a multitasker.

We also have a KID! Jojo is no longer a baby, though she insists otherwise. She loves to name everyone in the room and in photographs. Josie is always "baby!" Actually, backing up a few weeks, Grandpa Bob was the first to receive a personalized nickname from the babe. She's been pointing at the mantel for some time saying "Papa!" We just thought she was recognizing Jonathan but then she was looking at a photograph album, pointed to Bob, and shouted "PAPA!" We have a Papa!

Josie made her first FISH FACE. Some parents swell with pride over counting or ABC recitation but not this mama. #swoon

Team No! has switched to Team K!
I've heard about the "no" phase from parents of two year-olds, but somehow it made its way to 13 month old Josie - LOUD and PROUD. Everything was no, even when she meant the opposite. She's finally adopted "K!" so she can tell you, very decisively, where she stands on food offerings, media selections, and evening book choices. It was surreal when we sat in the rocking chair last night next to a stack of books that were either welcomed or waved away. I love that she weighs in on story time.

Josie has feelings
I mean duh but keep in mind her heritage. As a Krause/Young she probably has more feelings than an entire playground of children. Lately she's been demonstrating some pretty intense empathy. She gets really upset when characters in books are sad and cries when babies cry on tv or when she sees this one photo of herself crying. Auntie Ashie play fainted when Josie gave her the first Josie kiss and Josie got super upset.

Josie plays soccer!
Of all of her milestones this month, the fish face and the soccer kicks are mama's favorites. She actually loves to kick her little ball around and she's more coordinated than some adults I know. Cough cough, Jonathan, cough cough.
Josie speaks French! 
Okay, not really. She barely speaks English however she LOVES to watch her favorite artist, Raffi, sing her favorite song: Fais Do Do. It's also mama's favorite song, which might have something to do with the title. Watch the video to see why.

Sometimes she'll fold her arms and sway to "rock a baby" and we know she wants to listen to her song. On the subject of sleep, Jonathan told me she put all of her babies to sleep the other night and "shh shh shh-ed" them as she rubbed their backs. Can you stand it??

In other Young family news:

We visited a pumpkin patch! Actually, we visited TWO - one with Grandma (pictured) and one with our Justice family friends!

Auntie Ashie had her bachelorette party in Austin so we got to hang out with her and Auntie Alyssa. Josie was giving Ashley a little side eye in her photo and Alyssa got a reluctant high five. Can't win 'em all ladies but trust this little babe loves you to pieces.

Speaking of bachelorette parties, Josie's so honored to accept the role of Flower Girl for Auntie Ashie's and Auntie Alyssa's weddings. We're already practicing not eating the petals!

We're having a blast brushing our teeth, although mama's toothbrush has been hijacked! Jonathan makes any activity fun and of course we have a brush our teeth song. I'll try to take a video for our next blog.

Jonathan is filming a sketch comedy web series this weekend - I'll be sure to post a clip on an upcoming blog. He also built a fire in our fire place for the first time! He also made us Meximarts. Grin.

I participated in the Color Run! The run itself was meh but the dance party after was so pretty!

Auntie Jen moved to Austin!! She's working at my company and the Young family is ecstatic! 

Finally, we're spending Thanksgiving on a cruise with Grammy and Grampy headed to Cozumel! Stay tuned for a vacation update.

Until next time!

J Cubed