Monday, April 3, 2017

19 and 20 Months Old!

This kid.
Josie's 19 and 20 month stats: 30 lbs, 2T in clothing, size 5 diapers, mama forgot to measure height

Josie's new sentences:

  • I see fish
  • Statue baby cry
  • Baby on top (referring to art Grammy made her)
  • THIS IS MINE (referring to everything than can be seen)
  • Hey you, babe!

  • Ponytails. One, two!
  • Bunny hop hop
  • Mama, dada, work. Bye bye. (this one's a little heart breaking)
  • Puppet mama, puppet dada, happy!
  • Raffi sing Dodo! (Josie's favorite artist + her 2nd favorite song)
  • Thank you! (which is pronounced "sank you") 3 am:

  • Josie eyes, one two. Peek-a-boo!
  • Colby sleeping happy. Woof woof.
  • Hi mama! Hiiiiii!

Interestingly, she is really focused on emotions right now. People and inanimate objects are either happy (as in "Ball, happy!) or sad ("Baby crying."). She also notes when someone thinks something is funny (Steve Harvey laughing at his own joke - "Man, funny. Clapping show." or "Bunny, funny" while watching a bunny laugh on tv).

Josie's new tricks:
She recognizes books! She also makes you read 20 before it's time for bed.
You Are My Sunshine = Sunshine
Homes = Homes
Faces in Places = Faces
Not That Tutu=Tutu

Josie can brush her own teeth...or she can brush the area near her teeth. This video is a bit long but perfectly captures life with a toddler. Imagine all of the things you do during the day and then do them under water. Blindfolded.

She engages in independent play. It is every parent's dream to become a supporting character instead of the narrator, protagonist, antagonist, and school bus. Speaking of buses, this child is OBSESSED with Wheels on the Bus ("Mama, BUS!"). She makes me sing it the entire 15 minute drive home from daycare. When I run out of types of people and animals, I start using my environment. There's been a toll booth on the bus, a bale of hay on the bus, and road rage on the bus. One day my child will think I am insane but today is not that day.

In other Young family news:

We went to a petting zoo!
There are times when I am not sure Josie is really mine like when she throws fits and then there are other times when it's loud and clear. The delight this child took in loving on each and every goat melted my cold, dark heart.

We got a deck and a hoop!
Our deck isn't stained yet and obviously the outdoor furniture has been cast aside but we are so excited to lounge and play this summer. Here's Josie practicing for the WNBA.

Mama got a running stroller!
I've had my eye on one of these for ages and this purchase has kicked off our weekend ritual: a run around the lake, followed by smoothies and grocery shopping. You can tell we aren't training for the Olympics if we're willing to be smelled in public post-run but it's something to which I look forward all week. I joke that it's my version of religious practice. If you pretend really hard, this is not a man-made lake.

 I'll leave you all with a final milestone: Josie's first selfie. I found this on my phone a few days ago. #diva

Until next time!

J Cubed