Monday, March 9, 2015

Kids, don't try this at home

First comes babies, then comes diamonds. That's how the song goes, right? As I've been telling my college students: "Kids, don't try this at home."

Although Jonathan officially proposed marriage on February 22nd, I agreed to spend my life with him in October when we decided to raise a family together. You see, we've both been previously married and were far more interested in the kind of commitment that brings binkies, bottles, and bears. Also, if Goldie and Kurt can do it (and Angelina and Brad almost did it), so can we! Right?

Well, I think we got swept away in the romance of getting married (much to our surprise) and it became clear our parents would have a heart attack like to see us make it legal, so we decided to acquiesce.

Jonathan revealed later he had lots of different plans for the proposal but we are so damned busy that there was only one day in the months of January through March that would work.

The plan was to take bump photos on this gorgeous boardwalk near our new apartment with the Manhattan skyline in the background. Interestingly, I ran across this very boardwalk whilst marathon training and fantasized taking pictures ending in a proposal because it is so lovely...who knew I was dreaming up my own proposal?

...except, it happened to be a very icky, wintry day: lots of sleet, lots of pre-existing nasty snow on the ground. This is how we found ourselves at the MoMA.

This is a re-enactment.
I should note: I worked nine hours the Saturday before and tried very hard to cancel this day. I was grumpy and tired. I perhaps took my usual pregnancy grump to an all-time high. In my defense, see the above photo. Would you want to leave the house??

I am sure Jonathan was repeating to himself: "You are proposing to the nice Jaimie. This monster will not be here forever. Remember nice Jaimie. She is real."

Much to my chagrin, Jonathan and I hopped in a cab heading towards a surprise destination. Because I was especially pissy, I was dressed in a way that suggested I was a six year old who raided her mother's closet and was wrongfully allowed to make outfit choices. I am wearing the dress you see in the photos + tights + knee-high brown boots + a scarf + a winter coat + mittens + earmuffs + a fairly frumpy (but warm) woven cardigan. Meanwhile, Jonathan looks like a normal adult male dressed for an afternoon of proposin'. I should have smelled it on him.

We arrived at the destination and Ashley and her lovely boyfriend met us there. This part is planned and I expected to see them. We started taking photos with lots of exhibits for a long time. Pissy Jaimie turned hungry which means she turned into the Hulk.

Alas, there were peacekeepers among us who settled me down and convinced me to take a few more photos. Below are a sample of pics from the day, culminating with the proposal. After we were nearly done with the photoshoot, we reviewed the pictures and looked for the light/setting we liked the best. It turns out it wasn't art but actually this gorgeous window overlooking a much clearer snowy garden.
Before I knew it, Jonathan was on his knee and a large group of cheering people assembled. It was very sweet and softened even the greenest giant. I realize I did a good job of hiding my green skin and bulging muscles (but not my bulging belly) here.

And so, away we go.
Pretend my nails are manicured and my skin is moisturized.

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