Thursday, March 19, 2015

Josie's on a vacation far away

I have to admit it. I've never wanted to be kicked so badly in my life. I've never hoped and wished someone would kick me...until now.

It's no secret - I am a bit of a worrier. However, when Jaimie gets pregnant, there's a lot of "What ifs" that fire at an alarming rate throughout the day.
  • There are already so many cute babies. What if Josie is a mutant?
  • What if Josie declares she is vegan at birth? What will she eat?
  • What if my belly (and the rest of me) is growing but Josie...isn't?
The last one is a real "What if". I *think* I can feel her moving. At least, that's what I'm sensing as their weird pains travel in my belly, as if a cactus got in a miniature submarine and decided to explore my insides. In case you are wondering, I did Google cactus in a submarine to post a graphic but alas. Still, around this time mothers report feeling their babies' feet all up in their grills.

Here's my hope: she isn't kicking because Josie's on a vacation far away. If you don't know this musical reference, listen below. Also, revisit the 80's because this was THE JAM.

I picture her, milk drunk, relaxing and sunning. Just a little less developed as a 20 week-old fetus.

Josie, if it's not too much trouble (between your beach yoga and zip lining) would you mind just sticking out that darling little leg of yours and aim your adorable little foot for my belly and KICK?

PS-if you don't know how to kick, I would like to remind you your mother was awarded a full college scholarship for soccer and this is slightly embarrassing.


  1. Yeah, both of mine were late kickers, and the waiting blew. I'm not going to tell you something trite like, "Once they start kicking, you'll wish it wasn't happening," because that is BS. Even when Wyatt was tenderizing me for weeks, it was still pretty amazing. Because there is a FREAKING PERSON IN THERE! AND SHE CAN KICK!

    PS I *may* have been a little psycho about it for baby #1, since I convinced myself that something was wrong when I couldn't feel him kick. I *may* have left crazy messages on the nurse's phone. I can't remember now.


    1. Yes! I am sure every time I go in for an appointment my doctor thinks I am insane. I ask the same three questions hoping for a different answer. This time, though, they told me the placenta is nestled between Josie and my stomach so there's a bit of a barrier there right now. It made me feel a *tiny* bit better but I am still skeptical.

  2. Sometimes kicks feel like gas. For a long time I thought maybe I just had gas bubbles moving around my abdomen but Mike reminded me that usually other people cannot put their hand on your stomach and feel gas bubbles moving around. So maybe you've been feeling her this whole time but misdiagnosed it ;-)

    1. That is a good point! I have been hoping this is the case but it's hard without having a sonogram wand to track her movements. Now that I think about it, I wonder if I can get one of those. Hmmm... :-)

  3. This is why people rent those home ultrasound kits. I was a total nervous wreck with my son.
    My girls felt like weird little bubbles.

    1. YOU CAN RENT HOME ULTRASOUND MACHINES???? Game changer. I am so nosy that I want to know what she's doing all of the time! Also, home girl finally kicked two nights ago and won't stop. It's kind of bananas.
