Sunday, April 19, 2015

Registering, Waddling, and Forgetting

Registering as a new mom is like packing a suitcase for a six month European trip for a person I have never met. #clueless

This is my latest tweet and it might be an understatement. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PACIFIERS? The thing is: I know how to research. I do have some mommy friends. And I'm still lost. I'm caught in this weird place where I feel like things should match and make sense together. Instead, everything is a different pattern and/or color scheme. Jungle friends + paisley = hideous but I feel like my options are limited. I know babies are cute on their own and aren't being sashayed down the runway during New York Fashion Week (at least mine isn't) but I feel little violated right now. I partially blame Instagram and Pinterest for setting up unrealistic nursery/baby fashion expectations.

One area that actually makes sense to me is baby fashion. Are you kidding me with this outfit? I can't handle how cute this is and realized that every time I feel stressed or unsure of a choice like which teething ring is best I will register for one adorable outfit. Annnnd exhale. It feels like I just took a yoga class. Namaste, chevron printed top and matching diaper cover.

Three Pregnancy Updates

1) The waddle is on. I have gone from gazelle to penguin in six short months. Well, maybe I wasn't as a graceful as a gazelle but I was definitely a respectable house cat...with a bent tail.

2) I've already outgrown my earlier maternity clothes and I still have three months to go. I'm so glad my feet and ankles aren't incredibly swollen yet but I think it's a matter of time. I'm just praying for warmer weather so I can rock a maxi dress for the next 90 days. See ya, tights and awful winter wear.

3) I can't string a sentence together. Don't be mislead by my brilliant blogging :) - I've always been a little absent-minded (crediting Peter Krause for this) and kind of a shitty storyteller (can't blame anyone here) but I've plummeted to new lows. J and I were out to brunch with our lovely friends Matt and James and I couldn't even tell them about how we were cast for a reality show cogently. We were - that's true - but you have to ask Jonathan for the story. He can tell it much better than I, and I'm sure to get distracted by ice cream about 15 seconds into the story. Speaking of which...

1 comment:

  1. There was this huge debate about sippy cups vs. straws vs. just cups. Now w/ a second child, I realize this was a big waste of anxiety. Who cares! It's not like she's going to be 10 and not know how to drink out of a cup.
    There are a million decisions like that!
