Sunday, April 5, 2015

About this we are certain

This morning Jonathan and I decided to go for a walk just behind our apartment. There's much to see: boats, the Manhattan skyline, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and Liberty State Park.

We weren't the only ones with this plan because we passed many families, all decked out in their Easter best. There's not much cuter than little girls in frilly pastel dresses and little boys in polka dotted bowties...until they start whining. We passed one unpleasant delightful child screeching about who knows what and Jonathan and I turned to each other

Me: Josie will never do that.
J: No, she will be dignified from the very beginning. "Mother, I would like eggs and cheese for breakfast."
Me: "But I understand cheese is on our grocery list so I will be patient."
J: "May I be helpful when we go the market? I can reach things on the bottom shelf."
Me: "But I will not choose the Lucky Charms because I know they lack nutritional value."
J: "Yes, and I don't want diabetes or cavities."
Me: "Actually, mother and father, I was thinking about it and I decided I'd like to try brussel sprouts."
J: "Yes, I'm interested in employing a new initiative where I try one new food each week. I'd like my plates to have 5 different colors on them because I know that will maximize my nutrients."

It's the least Josie can do. I look 9 months pregnant and I have just under 4 months to go. Homegirl is going to be a giant.

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