Monday, April 13, 2015

Hey pretty baby with the high heels on...

You give me fever like I've never, ever known
You're just the product of loveliness
I like the groove of your walk, your talk, your dress...

The Way You Make Me Feel, Michael Jackson, 
Jaimie's favorite Michael Jackson song

If you know anything about Jonathan, you know he is a DIE HARD Michael Jackson fan. I've actually never met someone so serious about their devotion to MJ. He can even hit those high hee, hee notes. Heck, he's even got the Beat It jacket!

I shouldn't have been surprised to find what I found at our apartment after work one day. Really, nothing Jonathan does should surprise me because I know by now to expect the unexpected. That man truly keeps me on my toes. And yet - I doubled over with laughter (which is actually really tough to do at 24 weeks). Maybe I folded 15 degrees inward but it was still a very hearty guffaw. You try to bend with a cantaloupe in your shirt. Note: for those of you who haven't reproduced in the age of the cell phone app, every week I am updated on the fruit or vegetable Josie's size most closely resembles. I think she is more kickball than cantaloupe right now but alas. I'm not that kind of doctor.

What made me laugh so hard besides the obvious is Josie does not have a crib, stroller, or even a bedroom, but homegirl has Michael Jackson onesies! Obviously a little sparkly glove and matching hats complete the look, although not pictured below.


I'm told she has Lakers and Batgirl outfits on the way. It's going to be Halloween everyday in the Young house.
I can't wait to become this family, but with unicorns.

Speaking of unicorns, I asked Jonathan to sing Josie a song about unicorns the other night and this was his response:

Old MacDonald had a farm, 
And on that farm he had a unicorn

I know I picked the right one.