Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jonas - 3 months, Josie - 35 months

Josie's 35 month stats: 39 lbs, 4T/5T in clothing, size 4/5T in pull-ups (no more diapers!), size 8.5 shoes, a head taller than everyone in her class even though she just transferred to Preschool Pathways

Josie's favorite book: a custom book from our friends called Josie and Jonas

Josie's new sentences and vocab. She is completely communicating now using large and small sentences, but these are this month's greatest hits:
  • "Mama, babies talk and don't talk at the same time."
  • "Mama, your hair is crazy!"
  • "I love Baby Jonas. He's the best baby brother."
  • Me: "Josie, what are you doing? Let's start painting." Josie: "Mama, I am reading the directions."
  • I ask Josie to help me make scrambled eggs. "Okay, mama. I will help with the ingredients. Can I stir?"
  • Speaking of potty training, we've decided to look to m&ms for help. We explained this to Josie and shared the rules (2 m&ms for an attempt, whether or not its fruitful). Her response? "I don't like m&ms. They have sugar in them and they are not healthy." Josie's parents: Speechless.
  • "Shake your booty butt." I can't even.

Josie's new tricks

She's finally in a front-facing car seat.  Jonathan and I have been "arguing" about this for a year now but I finally won. Josie was skeptical at first but now she loves it!

She is officially obsessed with her birthday. It's all she talks about. She keeps asking if it's her birthday yet, and also keeping changing which cupcakes she wants for school.

Finally, she will only wear dresses. I truly don't understand how I have such a girly girl for a daughter. I didn't wear a dress until after college. Now I love them so maybe...duh. I haven't slept much. I'm going to leave that little aha! moment in there because it's proof I am an idiot and also tired.

Jonas' stats: 16.5 lbs, 23.75 inches; 6 mos in clothing, size 2 in diapers, blue-gray eyes, male-patterned baldness. 

Instead of vocab we'll review his likes and dislikes:

Likes: The swing, bath time, Grandma Anne, his monkey, the jungle
Dislikes: When he gets too tired, the process of falling asleep
Tolerates: His carseat, being put down if its in one of his approved zones 

Jonas' new tricks

As you speak or sing to Jonas, he is really trying to sing and talk. It's so cute. I need to get this on film - it's just hard to know when he's going to do it!

Jonas has found his feet...and his thumb. He's been working on that thumb via his fist for a couple of weeks now. Honestly he's probably just trying to eat it. Look at him. He's enormous.

He's also started to laugh a bit. I was playing a game with him ("game" is generous - I don't know what I was doing but I digress) and I would swing him back and forth singing "do do do do" and then quickly bring him down with a knee bend and sound effect. He thought this was a riot so obviously I did it 600 times.

Speaking of laughing, I'm not sure who gets the trick credit here but check out our new Bumbo action. Josie was BESIDE herself.

In other Young family news...

Jonathan took me to the Counting Crows 25th Anniversary tour for Mother's Day. I think he learned to appreciate my favorite band a little more, but not a lot more. It was 103 degrees and I think we are still dehydrated from the experience.

We had visitors! Tia Crystal, Sara and Lisa, Alex, and Pauly came as I was on leave. Everyone met Baby Jonas, as he's called in our house.

Having Tia Crystal with us was such a gift. We went on hikes and she helped us with many house projects (in her Chip and Jojo way). We missed Uncle Paul - next time!

Josie was truly in heaven with everyone visiting *her*.
Not that there's EVER a shortage of attention for this pint-sized star.
We had so much fun with everyone!

Speaking of people visiting, there's someone I've been meaning to spotlight in our lives: our Jen (as Josie calls her - really she says "my Jen" but in our family we share great people).

Jen is a Young family VIP and we adore her. Thank you Jen for all of the love, always. We're lucky you're in our lives.

That's about it other than family photos are becoming increasingly...difficult. I'll try to end on one from now on but I can't promise quality.

By next blog we'll have a three year old!!

Until next time!

J Quad

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