Wednesday, January 11, 2017

17 Months Old!

Josie's 17 month stats: 28.5 lbs and 34.5 inches, size 5 diapers, size 2T in clothes

Josie's new words: Cold, dark, peek-oo (peek-a-boo), home, juice, ho ho ho!
Josie's new sentences (she strings thoughts together now!):
  • Dada/mama, book
  • I'm coming 
  • More cheese (Parent: "Josie, say please")...peese 
  • Baby sleeping 
  • I don't want it
  • I know what
  • Beep beep 
Josie's new tricks:
In the spirt of the season, I'm delivering some of Josie's latest feats with some holiday cheer:

I think you saw Josie perform her first twirl last blog. Well now we've had to limit her to "two twirls only"! She's not totally hip to what dizzy means and will just spin and spin until she looks like she went swimming in the eggnog for a few days.

Josie rocked her first pigtails! Even though I am a robot super tough and strong, I honestly had tears in my eyes fashioning these two little head spouts. I mean, COME ON.

Josie can sortaaaa kindaaaa almostttt recite the ABCs. Check it out:

Josie's getting pretty good at memorizing some of her smaller books. She can almost read Peek-a-Who to us. It's a 5 page cardboard book with 8 words but it's still pretty amazing. Toot remains her favorite book and she'll bring it to you any chance she can. She also provides a toot ticker - that's right, folks. The Toot book has taught Josie to think toots are funny and newsworthy. She is her father's daughter.

In other Young family news:

We celebrated Christmas with Grandma, Papa, Uncle Paul, and Tia Crystal!

We had so much fun showing them our new home and town. We bowled (Paul won), played board games (Paul won), played video games (Paul won), and chased bubbles (Josie won).

We honored Josie's Jewish heritage with a time-honored Christmas tradition: Chinese food and a movie. For starters, I might be the only Jew-ish person in our town. It's either that or no one told the Chinese restaurants about said tradition. So, Chinese and a movie became just a movie. Fine, fine - at least I have my movie. We set out to watch Sing, an animated film that's one part American Idol and many parts animals. I bet you can guess what happened. Suffice it to say, we watched 1/3 of Josie's first movie!

We celebrated New Year's Eve with our dear friends Russ and Santi! We were on our way home by 9:00 and in sweats by 9:45. #partyanimals

I made this little side-by-side collage from last year's NYE to this year's. I really took for granted how easy posing for pictures once was. This little miss is in charge, that's for certain. Also, good to know some things like my super bright magenta lip color never change.

Stay tuned for our big New York City/Asbury Park adventure to celebrate Aunt Ashie's and Uncle Adam's wedding! Until next time!

J Cubed

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