Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Josie's First Year

And just like that...she's ONE! She's a sweet, silly, snuggly one and we couldn't love her more.

::Cue the sappy music::

It is such a privilege to watch her grow up to be this tiny little human, independent of us, expressing her own thoughts and feelings and opinions (albeit strong for such a tender age), and observe her as she discovers the world. There's one thing I can say for sure - this child is really bringing it. Know what I mean? She's such a performer and will work in ways to entertain her audience as she's eating, playing, singing, or dancing. And, she gives the best hugs in the entire world. She hugs with her arms and legs, and her entire little body. And then, when she burrows her little head with three hairs into the crook of my neck...sometimes that sweetness is too much. She does this thing where, during said hug, she pats my back with this reassurance and I wonder who needs that hug more. Sigh. Josiebear, you are perfect.

Okay, on with the blog!

Josie's 12 month stats: 26 lbs, size 4 diapers, size 12-18 mos in clothes but basically wearing my bathing suits and ohmygoodness let's discuss her TEETH...

Josie has 2.75 bottom teeth (two half teeth, flanking her bottom middle guys) and 2 top teeth beginning to come in. She’s teething like a champ and is only *slightly* grumpy. She is definitely her father’s daughter. I’m now convinced of this. My child would be throwing fits, on the hour, every hour and blogging about her misery.

Josie's new words: Josie is an expert at saying “no”. She’ll say it when she means yes, more, please, and – actually – no. Other new words include singing "Ockle, Ockle" (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star). I've tried to record this so many times and it's never quite right. Her favorite line is "up above the world so high". She can actually sing that fairly well. 

Check out her no before she could speak no: 

And then, when she actually says "no" and enunciates it better than Eliza Doolittle ever could:

She's also just mastered "comb" and has earned 3 gold stars for knowing how to use it! Her father has mastered the musical theater version of "Pretty with a Comb". See for yourself (and do not see our messy closet for yourself):

Josie's latest feats:

She has nearly enough hair for a ponytail! Never mind it stayed in for thirty seconds. Do note that she posed like she was being photographed by Annie Leibovwitz. #ham

She had an awesome birthday party! She did not care much for her smash cake, baked lovingly by Danielle, resident smash cake baker extraordinaire. I, on the other hand, cared for it substantially more. I even pretended to help her eat it. :D 

She gives KISSES! This melted my heart, especially because I got the very first one! She also told me she loved me but sounded a bit little Scooby Doo: "Ra rove roo, mama"

She can tell you she's one. It's so cute.

She feeds Colby from the table. Both parties LOVE this.

She owns pink cowgirl boots, which a) is newsworthy and b) are prominently featured in every outfit since we got them from our sweet friends, the Messer family:

In other Young family news:

We had a great visit with both sets of grandparents! It’s the first time they’ve all met each other because they live on opposite sides of the country. 

When we were still up north, I had a vision/hope/wish that Josie would celebrate her first birthday in our new home, flanked by both sets of her grandparents. That thought kept me going through 35 applications, 16 rounds of job interviews (for real), and lots of moving stress. 

Having everyone together made my heart grow a size or two. There's something so special about family, especially spanning generations.

The grandfathers teamworked Josie’s new wheels (thanks, Auntie Ale and Uncle Phil and Cousin Pierce)...

while the grandmothers teamworked Josie snuggles.

We attended a super fun baby shower for Meaghan and met a donkey on their ranch! #Texas 
(Stay tuned for the farm animal tally to date on the next blog.)

Grandma Anne's basically moved in with us. Don't worry - I'm concurrently writing her letter of recommendation for sainthood. Watch out, Mother Teresa.

Jonathan is killing in in the acting world. He's teaching at TexArts, was signed by an agent, has been cast in three things already, landed an audio book, and has many more things in the works. Get it, babe/dad! Oh, and he made fire. I mean COME ON.

I don't have a pic yet but I've been working on her nursery. I'll hopefully have an update by the next blog! I see why it's easier to nest sans children.

Unrelated, but I don't believe I've shared this pic of Jojo yet, and it's one of my favorites. That joy. Those arm rolls.

And finally, because I cannot resist a good slideshow, check out little Jo grow before your very eyes to the musical stylings of The Temptations and Tom Petty:

Until next time!

J Cubed

1 comment:

  1. Love love love all of this! and I miss all your sweet little faces! and congrats to Jonathan for all the success! J Cubed killin' it in Tejas! xoxo
