Sunday, July 24, 2016

10 Months Old!

The author took a 2 month hiatus from blogging, mainly due to an onslaught of wonderful changes, which sounds as oxymoronic as its intended to be. This post was first drafted in early June...and is being completed July 24th. Oops. Read on to see why.

I'm kicking this post off with Jonathan's Mother's Day gift to me - a professional photoshoot with my two favorite people. Here's one we love! Pretend Josie is wearing a 10 month sticker on her cute little belly.
Happy 10 months, little Jo!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

If I've ever said I was busy before, I now know what busy really means. Good grief, there's a lot going on for this family. It's all wonderful, but it's a lot. In case you are curious, here's what's happening for us (all at once):

  • We moved to Austin, TX! 
  • I got a new job! 
  • We bought another car! 

  • We purchased a home!
  • We celebrated a year of marriage!

This has all happened in one month. No one's ever accused us of dragging our feet but this feels a little like this.

And all I want to do is THIS.

Even this would do.
Okay, I'm done complaining. There's some hashtag about being too blessed to be stressed. I guess. The real reason I'm telling you all of this is because  I am an entire week late with Josie's ten month birthday post (edit: try two MONTHS late now - eeeeesh). This may seem trivial but I might have an eensy weensy, teeny tiny Type A personality utter devotion to my child so a late blog is basically illegal in my parenting world.

The good news is we have an amazing helper in our little babe as we traverse the country. Oh, wait.

*In case you are wondering - yes, that suitcase was completely packed before little miss reached her tiny little mitts in and decided to fix that.

Josie's 10 month stats: About the same as her 9 month stats. Nothing much has happened physically except maybe there are 5 more hairs on her head.

Josie's new foods: Texas BBQ and Tex-Mex. Notice her 9 month new foods included quinoa and kale. Yes, Texas, we have arrived. Watch below as she shovels rice and beans into her face with ease. Yes, her face.

She can speak! Adding a new subheading to the blog!!
Josie's new words: Hi dog!, Dada, baba, nananananana (this means "no"; while most people just shake their heads from side to side, Josie performs her "no" with a full body, vigorous, side-to-side rock). Seriously.

Josie's latest feats:

She performs dental exams. Jo is OBSESSED with putting her fingers in your mouth and tapping a nail against each tooth. If you're holding her near your mouth, keep it zipped or else the baby hand drill will run amok. Sorry, Auntie Karen. Josie says you should floss more. ;)

She can feed herself. which translates to picking up food and aiming her hands within a 3 mile radius of mouth. That's actually a much better way of stating it. See rice and beans video above.

She turns book pages and actually sits still when you read to her. Mostly still. Still-ish.

She received her first restaurant sippy cup, which seems like a funny thing to mark in one's development but when your child transitions from drool monster to brunch buddy, it's remarkable.

She is totally thinking about kindaaaaa crawling. If you aren't motivated by a snuggle from Auntie Lissy, I don't know what will do it, kid.

Lots more has happened this month besides our move, but I'm only reporting our "surprise" trip. We tried to surprise the family in Boston, except my family is the Paul Revere of secret keepers.

+1 for relevant reference in many categories
-1 for awarding myself an extra credit point in my own blog

Super Grammie turns 99! 

Jo giggled with her cousin, Pierce...

and walked around with Grammy...

and fell in love with a lobstah from Bahstahn (thanks, Drew!)

Although we are very excited about our new adventures, we also said goodbye to many dear, dear friends this month. Sniff. The pic below says it all.

We're looking forward to hosting many visitors from the northeast when the temperatures drop below triple digits in December.

Until next time!


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