Sunday, December 27, 2015

Holly Days

We've had a wonderful holiday season and it's not even over yet! As a throwback to the last blog regarding firsts, it's been a season of firsts for this entire multicultural family...

The thing about having a near five month old is she has the curiosity of a toddler with the mobility of an infant, so we need to explore the world with and for her. It's equal parts amazing and exhausting. Thank Santa for Jonathan, the energizer bunny. Speaking of the big guy...look who met mall Santa with ZERO TEARS! She is fearless! To be fair, this chap does look like the real McCoy. Josie's first Santa encounter - check!

A few days later, we lit the menorah, which was pretty funny. You see, I am what I call a "holiday Jew" and I may have overestimated my knowledge of Hebrew prayers we had a colorful introduction to the Young family Chanukah experience, literally and figuratively. First, the literal color - little Jo loved the lights and we spoke of the general theme of perseverance, which I feel captures the spirit of the occasion. Josie's and Jonathan's first menorah lighting and Chanukah celebration - check!

Now onto the figurative color. You may become ill from the various angles of this ridiculous clip. Sorry about that, but it might be worth it. Remember that time we sang happy birthday to the menorah and a Chanukah prayer became a Whitney Houston song? In the Young household, anything is possible.

For the next series of firsts, let's move on to the purchase (and decoration) of a Christmas tree. Jonathan warned that I would disapprove of his tree selection because I would think it would be enormous and he was right! I stand corrected, though. That tree was perfect. I might be allergic to it, but it's perfect. We loved decorating it, and Josie loved her first ornament from her Auntie Ashie.  Josie's and Jaimie's first Christmas tree - check!

Onto Christmas day! Josie opening her first present ever - check! Never mind she would have preferred to eat the wrapping paper...

While I made a collage, this picture is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen so it merits it's own place of honor:

This holiday season, we've been so lucky to have family come to US. My parents came for Thanksgiving and Jonathan's were here for Christmas. A four and a half month old is a good excuse to avoid holiday travel, so maybe she'll keep working for us when she's one year and four and a half months, and two years and four and a half months...! 

We had a great time and they were so helpful. Check out the adorable moments below:

Finally, I discovered my inner arts and crafts goddess. I had A BLAST making all kinds of things that did not involve cooking (although I did bake once!).

Special thanks to one of Josie's besties and her sweet family for our a&c sesh. Check out their mistletoes!

See ya next year, everyone! 
Xoxo, the tiniest Santa

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