Friday, November 27, 2015

Giving Thanks

Josie's first Thanksgiving was delightful and delicious! Our sweet little apartment housed 9 people (I refuse to refer to Josie as a fraction of a person). My parents met my sister's boyfriend's parents and everyone had a really nice time.

We are incredibly thankful for this little turkey. 
She *almost* let me eat half of my plate!

Our meal was actually catered by one of my dad's clients, which was a lifesaver. Jonathan still elected to make a few healthier choices, so we had some kitchen prep. Well, I should tell the truth: we = they. I have many skills and none of them involve me in a kitchen, except when I was pregnant. I enjoyed being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen as I fixed my very complicated meal of Frosted Flakes and soy milk. I digress. Back to kitchen prep.

While fixing "healthy" stuffing, Adam (my sister's boyfriend) and Jonathan filmed their audition tape for the new hit show: Amateur Chefs in V-Necks.

Josie did her best to imitate an actual turkey with her ear-piercing squawks. It was headache-inducing so sweet. My mom kept Josie entertained in fifteen second intervals. This photo was taken at 14.5 seconds into the interval.

Jonathan and Adam would take over periodically to film their second audition tape: Button-downs and Babies. Here are a few stills from their clip.

Here's a pic of some of us mid-bite.
Photo credit: Adam Lekach
Here are a couple of group shots:

Photo credit: Sydney Lekach;
I can't tell if Jonathan and I clash or compliment each other here.
I was going to make a joke about this being a microcosm of our relationship, but it's not.
We are kind of amazing together and, for that, I am beyond thankful. #longestphotocaptionever 
The Lovely Lekach Clan + One Krause.
Photo credit: Yours truly
In true family fashion (heh, get it?), my husband and father did not disappoint. I'm not sure if this makes my dad hip or my husband not hip. :)

We have many, many blessings this year and we were so happy to share the holiday with our family, including our little angel.

By the way, this blog is sponsored by the people who brought us 25 sun hats:


  1. Your Dad and Jon seriously crack me up! Josie is getting more beautiful every single day. Miss/love you all! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  2. I think my cooking skills are almost as good as theirs!
