Friday, February 13, 2015

WWID (Translation: What Would Ice Do?)

It's a thing when - only 15 weeks into pregnancy - 75% of one's wardrobe is OUT. I mean "See ya later, I'll likely never even fit into you again post-baby" out. There's so much talk about dressing for one's body and unfortunately so much of my wardrobe is meant to accentuate a body part that is no longer small. In fact, it's the one thing that will get even bigger. If I knew then what I know now... (shakes fist at sky)

So, I was a little bummed. New clothes are FUN but so expensive. Factor in limited closet space (hashtag urban living - it feels less offensive if I spell out "hashtag") and I've got an issue.

It's now, in these moments, that I summon the wisdom of one of the greatest thinkers of our time.

Fast forward to 0:54 if you find this video insufferable.

I'm sure he would even be surprised to be labeled at such, but as you can see (hear?) Vanilla Ice did say "If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it." Let's do this, Ice.

Although I've sworn off Old Navy, I'd heard they had a maternity department and I wanted to see if there was anything I could purchase to kick off my maternity wardrobe. I did find two dresses and two tops and bought Jonathan a pair of slippers (this sounds grandpa-esque but you should have SEEN his other ones...yikes) all for $50. I will probably wear each item one time before the washing machine eats it but I'll take it.

The GAP also offered a surprising number of deals. Sorry I'm your "model" here but this dress was $6. I also got a pair of jeans for $10. That's basically free. C'mon.

My real reason for writing today is because I discovered H&M's Maternity Line and I am freaking out.

This jersey top (meant for this new Jersey girl) is a must have in gray and navy stripes.

This sweater is also darling. Since everything in my wardrobe cannot be striped, I went with the blush here.

Remember that time I was just a cool chick in an indie band and made jewelry on the side?

And then I owned a small photography business and knitted booties for hipster Brooklyn babies as my side hustle? Recall that time in my life?

DID YOU SAY POLKA DOTS? Dots eclipse stripes in my world but only by a little. This is for the woman who runs programming at a non-profit and is on the faculty at a local college. Grin.

In the even wiser words of two more influential thinkers...

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